
    Recent Works

  • No Business Like War Business

    No Business Like War Business, Acrylic on Canvas

  • Like Water

    Like Water, Acrylic on Canvas

  • Judicious Gathering

    Judicious Gathering, Acrylic on Canvas

  • Fall of the False Hope

    Fall of the False Hope, Acrylic on Canvas

  • The Chaos Before The Storm

    The Chaos Before The Storm, Acrylic on Canvas

  • Corona Declared a Pandemic

    Corona Declared a Pandemic, Acrylic on Canvas

  • Daydreaming My Dream

    Daydreaming My Dream, Acrylic on Canvas

  • Heart Breaker

    Heart Breaker, Digital Painting

"A work of art is a display of your inner thoughts and emotions whether you are the creator or a spectator intrigued by it!"

Artist all my life, yet absent from art for nearly three and a half decades, a few short years ago I returned to pick up where I had left. I experimented with various styles and subjects with the intention to preserve the memory and elegance of the past. Soon, my mentality as an artist matured and With the state of the world we live in today, I have now found my calling and feel obligated to use my art to bring attention to social issues and current state of humanity/inhumanity. Being a self-thought artist, I call myself an Organic Artist; not necessarily bound to theory and rules which often fences the artist and meddles with creativity and the message it intends to convey.

I am also experimenting with digital painting/digital art and sculpture as secondary obsession and pastime.

Please feel free to contact me or follow me on facebook. Thank You!

hadi artist signature